Foundation Repair Contractors

Think all Foundation Repair Contractors are created equally?  Think again.

Single Source Suppliers are often the only source of diagnosis and repair knowledge for a number of Foundation Repair Contractors.  This means that their repair plans may not address the actual issue and may result in additional damages... all at the expense of the Homeowner.

How can you make sure that the Foundation Repair Contractor you are talking to has the experience and education needed to fully investigate, diagnose and compose a repair plan? 


Ask the hard Foundation Repair Contractor Questions


Do Your Foundation Repair Contractor Homework

  • Is the Foundation Repair Contractor listed with the Arizona ROC?  Check here.
  • Is the Foundation Repair Contractor in good standing with the BBB? Check here.
  • What are other Homeowners saying about the foundation repair company?  Check Google, Yelp, Facebook... anywhere consumer feedback may be left.
  • Ask for references.  Any reputable company, Foundation Repair Contractors included, should have a list of references a consumer may use to vet them.
  • Can you visit their offices?
  • When in doubt, get a second opinion.

Ultimately, your home is likely the largent investment you will make.  Why entrust it to the lowest bidder and least qualified contractor? 

At Arizona Foundation Solutions, we believe in transparent, engineered solutions.  Arizona's Homeowners deserve nothing less. 

Mistake 5 Topological survey and damage map 2

Concrete Repair     Expansive Clay Soil     Foundation Repair   Arizona Foundation Solutions