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Arizona's Premier Foundation Repair Contractor

In Group and Blind Spot Bias

In previous blogs, we’ve noted that for survival reasons, humans have developed heuristic mental shortcuts that often lead to erroneous conclusions with complex problems. By better understanding.

Mistakes: Life’s Opportunity Grow & Learn (part 7)

In examining our mistakes, we engage in feedback that makes us better, smarter and it allows us to operate with fewer mistakes in the future. Rather than hide mistakes and pretend they don’t exist,.

Shoofly Village: Foundation Innovation, Prehistoric Edition

Ancient Innovation paved the way for all industries and foundation construction / foundation repair isn't any different.  

Starting any project on a solid foundation makes all of the difference.

Business Update: COVID-19

Arizona Homeowners:

Adventures In Remodeling: Putting it Back Together

After tearing our office apart - after sending the majority of our office team members home to work - we have finally began to put our office back together again. We hit a stopping point for about 3.

Real Estate Agents are Not Foundation Repair Experts

But We Are. Fix It Before You List It

Recently, one of our Arizona Foundation Solutions employees was house shopping and visited a few Phoenix area Open Houses. A trend began to emerge; they noticed.

Crack Repair: Another Quiet Revolution

15 years ago came across a product that I thought was a game changer. A polyuria that repaired cracks in concrete very fast. It was marketed by a company called “Road Mender”. I used it and actively.

Protect Yourself from Unqualified Foundation Repair Contractors

Homeowners: 10 Steps to Protect Yourself from Unqualified Foundation Repair Contractors

Selecting the right contractor for your project is the first step in insuring the job is done right!.

Diagnosing Foundation Failure: Historical Moisture & Temperature Patterns

Rule of Thumb: Determining historical moisture and temperature patterns is an important part of diagnosing foundation problems.

Forward Momentum: Office Remodel & an Unlicensed Engineer

We have moved forward with the remodeling of our office…while we are in it. Am I crazy? Perhaps...

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