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Arizona's Premier Foundation Repair Contractor

Not the Time for Risks

We get it. There are enough unknowns going on right now. We don’t need to increase our exposure when it comes to making sure our home and in particular, the home’s foundation is performing well. .

Foundation Repair: Doing Things Right vs. Doing the Right Things

You are about to buy a home that has had foundation repairs recently. Is it Ok to buy? It depends. It depends on whether things were done right; more importantly, it depends on whether the right.

Speaking Engagements

I am excited to announce that I have been confirmed as a speaker at the National Foundation Repair Association annual convention in April of next year to discuss methods of foundation investigations.

Heave Protection for Foundations

Heave Protection for Foundations: Recap of the Need for Heave Mitigation

I’d like to give a quick summary of where we are at with the last few blogs...

What Should be Included in a Foundation Investigation?

It seems that everyone seems to have a different opinion of how to conduct a foundation investigation. I have been a member of two different foundation repair networks (both Ram Jack and Foundation.

Hiring a Foundation Repair Inspector?

Here are 10 things Homeowners Need to Know in Hiring a Foundation Repair Inspector

Foundation repair for homeowners can be a frightening and intimidating thing. It is impossible for homeowners to.

Foundation Repair Basics

Be very careful of a contractor who wants to suggest an expensive structural foundation repair with just a visual inspection.

We are often asked...

"Do I need to have the foundation of my home.

Guarding Against Bogus Claims in Foundation Repair

Real Estate Tips: Home Buyers Beware

We often hear from recent home-buyers a story that seems to be a reoccurring theme for us. That is, new home-buyer buys home, and six months to 12 months later starts to notice cracks in walls and.

The Age of the Structure

Rules of Thumb in Diagnosing Foundation Problems part VII: The Age of the Structure

How old is the structure? There is a lot more to this question than meets the eye…

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