Free Initial Foundation Inspections for All Arizona Homeowners

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Arizona's Premier Foundation Repair Contractor

Making Adjustments on a Foundation Repair

Arizona Foundation Solutions Vindicated in BTR Investigation

"Our competition is clearly frustrated with our ability to produce quality reports with a cost model that cannot be duplicated anywhere."

- Bob Brown

Several months ago, a local engineer filed a.

Cognitive Biases in Foundation Repair: Confirmation Bias

Cognitive Biases that Interfere with Foundation Inspection Analysis: Confirmation Bias

In previous blogs, we’ve discussed how humans have developed heuristic mental shortcuts that often lead to.

Impartial, Objective & Evidence-Based Foundation Inspection

At the first sign of a foundation problem (click HERE to see what the symptoms of a foundation problem look like), Homeowners should demand an impartial, objective, evidence-based foundation.

Is Your Foundation Inspector the Fox Guarding the Hen House?

Many Foundation Inspections are Completed by Salespeople

Carl Sagan wrote some excellent rules for the fine art of baloney detection. Among others are that the facts should be independently verified,.

Rules of Thumb part VIII: Interpreting Signs of Foundation Stress

When people call in to our office, it is typically because of signs of stress that they notice. It is important to remember that the signs of stress are less of a problem in and of themselves, but.

Guarding Against Bogus Claims in Foundation Repair

The Dirty Little Secret of the Foundation Repair Industry

When a Homeowner calls out a foundation repair company to “get a free estimate”, it is a little known fact that many times the foundation repair contractor misdiagnoses the problem and the resulting.

Sham Investigations Part II: More smoke and mirrors

As more homeowners are starting to realize the advantages of having a foundation inspection that is scientific, objective, and thorough, using industry standards, and engineering oversight, the.

MoistureLevel Smart Foundation System For Expansive Soils

Expansive Clay Soil Contributes to Foundation Heave Problems

In my last few blogs I pointed out how a majority of homes and commercial properties in arid climates get misdiagnosed, and that the.
