Free Initial Foundation Inspections for All Arizona Homeowners

Give us a call to schedule yours: 844-924-8900

Arizona's Premier Foundation Repair Contractor

Your Personal Mission And Your Work World

What do you stand for?

More and more people want to work in a career where they find meaning and satisfaction. Increasingly people choose careers for more reasons than just to bring home a paycheck. More and more people want to know that what they are doing is making a meaningful contribution…..something that they can identify with personally.

Many of us, when we are small, aspire to a vocation. Often these dreams are not realized in specific terms; however, equally often the essence of them can be realized. When I was a very small boy, I loved building things, forts, Hot Wheels courses that had increasingly complex designs, and I built all kinds of gizmos… my parents were always running out of wire, tape, and glue. My mother told me I was going to be “an inventor of all things.” Well, that is not the title of my current job; however, I am actively engaged in our R&D efforts, with 4 patents granted and a 5th in progress. Sort of close…. at least with part of my job.

I was also told to keep my grades up in order to attend college or I would end up digging ditches for a living…. Well, I graduated with 2 degrees from ASU, and I still have done a lot of digging and other manual labor in my life….so perhaps not everything worked out as I planned. But the main thing I feel good about is that what I am doing makes a big difference in the world. I feel good about providing meaningful employment to 90 families. I feel good about bringing relief to many homeowners in a way that makes their lives better. I feel good about bringing innovative solutions to homeowners that they perhaps could not get anywhere else.

Most of all hope that our example at AZFS, a nationwide pioneer of objective, science-based transparent engineering analysis, recommendations, designs, and solutions to foundation repair will change the industry for good. I have written extensively about this in previous blogs. (A Call for Discussion on Foundation Investigation Standards (, Foundation Repair Contractors Need Oversight ( Homeowners deserve to not be bamboozled by unscientific subjective conflicting claims that are more motivated out of self-reward than making customers' lives better. I have repeatedly been told by those in the industry that this model will never be profitable. I want to surround myself with people who want to help me prove them wrong.

No matter if you are talented with your hands, or talented with your words, or with your mind, If you want to make a difference in the world, talk to us about a rewarding career where we exist too much more than making a profit…… where we literally want to change the world.

  •         If you like working outdoors, like to visually see the work of your hands, and derive satisfaction from seeing the smiles of customers firsthand, we have above industry-paying jobs that will reward you for your efforts.
  •         If you love meeting with people firsthand, helping them realize their goals, and being less risk-averse, we have great opportunities for you.
  •         If you need a more flexible situation with some work from home and have a passion for working with customers over the phone as they call to understand their options, we have just the position for you to succeed in.
  •         If you have a talent for spatial awareness, like being out of the office, and love to work with engineers to provide objective solutions, we have the career for you.

If you want more than just a job to put groceries on the table, we believe you can be that unique opportunity for you to join with us to put a dent in the world. Connect up your personal mission with our cause that you can believe in and become a force for good.   

Perhaps you have friends and relatives who can find meaning in our cause so that they can become a force for good.