Free Initial Foundation Inspections for All Arizona Homeowners

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Arizona's Premier Foundation Repair Contractor


I came across a web page entitled “EXPANSIVE SOIL IS NOT THE PROBLEM”. This claim is from a 30 year “foundation expert”, who’s only qualifications are to have been in the concrete industry for that.

In House vs. Independent Engineers

Are In House Engineers OK for a Contractor to Use?

Over the years, I have heard various questions about the use of in house engineers for the analysis of the observations and recommendations….. As if.

Impartial, Objective & Evidence-Based Foundation Inspection

At the first sign of a foundation problem (click HERE to see what the symptoms of a foundation problem look like), Homeowners should demand an impartial, objective, evidence-based foundation.

Real or Fake Foundation Inspection?

Foundation repair can be a confusing enigma. You often get totally different approaches that arrive very different solutions!

How Not to Take a Hit When You Sell Your House

I receive many calls from real estate agents who need our services to investigate and then repair a foundation. We are very good with these kinds of requests. Many times no matter how good we are the.
