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Arizona's Premier Foundation Repair Contractor

Cognitive Biases: False Cause

More Biases that interfere with Foundation Diagnoses: False Cause

False Cause Fallacy is commonly defined as ‘mistaking correlation for causation’. Humans have succeeded as the dominant species.

Foundation Inspection Guidelines

Post Tension Institute Publishes Foundation Inspection Guidelines

How does this benefit Homeowners?

There is not a lot of oversight in the foundation repair / foundation inspection industry. As a.

Impartial, Objective & Evidence-Based Foundation Inspection

At the first sign of a foundation problem (click HERE to see what the symptoms of a foundation problem look like), Homeowners should demand an impartial, objective, evidence-based foundation.

Foundation Repair: Doing Things Right vs. Doing the Right Things

You are about to buy a home that has had foundation repairs recently. Is it Ok to buy? It depends. It depends on whether things were done right; more importantly, it depends on whether the right.

Foundation Problem Misdiagnosis is Common

There is no such thing as a 'one size fits all' foundation repair.

I have made the claim that foundation contractors often misdiagnose foundation repairs. In talking with many people, casually, I.
