Leveling with Bob Blog

What We Stand For

Written by Bob Brown | Jul 21, 2020 11:09:50 PM

As a team, we have continually reexamined who we are and what we are about. We have looked at this through several lenses in order to fully explore our culture. We want to know that we are all aligned and on the same page. We want people to be fully engaged with a fulfilling vocation, knowing that fulling work is part of a fulfilling life.

Our team has arrived at the following set of principles by consensus…. it’s how we judge new hires for a cultural fit. When we look at difficult decisions, we examine them through this lens to guide our thinking


To provide homeowners with Transparent Engineered Solutions.


To empower our teams (you) to make our customers lives better.


  • Be a Homeowner Hero: genuine high from helping people, do the right thing, value league members, People smart, treat people like Aunt Bea, honesty.
  • Excellence: regularly exceed expectations, become the expert, finish what you start.
  • Can do Attitude: find a way to yes, take the initiative, think outside the box, risk new solutions.
  • Always learning:  Coachable, loves learning, grow or die.
  • Humbry: Driven, be vulnerable, no big egos.

Our work can be challenging on many levels. We fully realize that home owners usually don’t aspire to having foundation repairs like new cabinets or flooring. Foundation repairs come along unexpectedly…. Sort of like John Lennon’s Line “ life is what happens to you while you are busy making plans for it.” We know that many home owners are afraid and unhappy with the prospect  of having to spend money just to keep their home stable.

If you don’t share the common values naturally in your heart, eventually, you will wear out, run out of gas and it will become apparent to everyone.

In addition we also realize that homeowners don’t really understand the engineering, mechanics, nor the common industry practices of foundation repair.  These factors come together to make our work challenging. As providers we constantly challenge ourselves and our teams to provide loving service despite the challenging customers.

We often tell new candidates that you cannot fake this caring. If you don’t share the common values naturally in your heart, eventually, you will wear out, run out of gas and it will become apparent to everyone. In order for work to be fulfilling your heart needs to be aligned with company mission, vision and values.

If you know anyone who fits these values, please send them to us…. Gainfully employed or not. We want to make their lives more meaningful.