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Arizona's Premier Foundation Repair Contractor

Adaptive Reuse and Brownfield Development with Helical Technology

One of the many challenges and opportunities in today’s market is to make use of infill properties and reuse of existing structures. These kinds of projects, with many challenges including soil.

Are You Getting a Sham Foundation Investigation?

You have concerns about your foundation….If you call an inspector to come out, how do you know if you are going to receive something of real practical value…. or not?

Foundation Repair: How to Protect Yourself

10 questions your foundation inspector may not want you to ask… but you should ask anyway.
  1. Are you the fox who is guarding the hen-house? (if you find a large area to fix, are you paid a commission.

Foundation Repair Basics

Be very careful of a contractor who wants to suggest an expensive structural foundation repair with just a visual inspection.

We are often asked...

"Do I need to have the foundation of my home.

Guarding Against Bogus Claims in Foundation Repair

Real Estate Tips: Home Buyers Beware

We often hear from recent home-buyers a story that seems to be a reoccurring theme for us. That is, new home-buyer buys home, and six months to 12 months later starts to notice cracks in walls and.

The Insiders view of Foundation Repair Part 2

In my last few blogs I discussed how foundation contractors commonly misdiagnose foundation repairs often installing piles when there has been no foundation movement, mistaking the symptoms of heave.

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