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Arizona's Premier Foundation Repair Contractor

Arizona Foundation Solutions Vindicated in BTR Investigation

"Our competition is clearly frustrated with our ability to produce quality reports with a cost model that cannot be duplicated anywhere."

- Bob Brown

Several months ago, a local engineer filed a.

Mistakes: Life’s Opportunities to Grow & Learn (part 5)

"Sometimes it takes getting hit between the eyes with a two by four to realize when we need to learn something!”

- Bob Brown, Foundation Repair Expert & Arizona Foundation Solutions Owner

The Dirty Little Secret of the Foundation Repair Industry

When a Homeowner calls out a foundation repair company to “get a free estimate”, it is a little known fact that many times the foundation repair contractor misdiagnoses the problem and the resulting.

Foundation Movement : How to judge severity

How Bad is My Foundation Movement?

As a homeowner you’re being told that your foundation is moving and needs stabilizing. Your first question is……How bad is my foundation movement? For most.

The Hardest Job of My Life: Part 5

In an effort to reach the middle of the slab that was surrounded by grade beams we embarked on excavating a 3 deep tunnel from the west side. From there we could access the area between the grade.

The MoistureLevel Smart Foundation System Addresses Foundation Heave

Save Money With the MoistureLevel Smart Foundation System

We are completing project now that exemplifies everything I have been talking about for the last few months. It is a scenario that I see.

The MoistureLevel Smart Foundation System Technology

We have previously discussed the problems facing the foundation repair industry and a potential solution to those problems with my MoistureLevel Smart Foundation System.  How did The MoistureLevel.

MoistureLevel Smart Foundation System For Expansive Soils

Expansive Clay Soil Contributes to Foundation Heave Problems

In my last few blogs I pointed out how a majority of homes and commercial properties in arid climates get misdiagnosed, and that the.

Pool Stabilization Easily Accomplished by Pressure Grouting

Many people are under the mistaken impression that pressure grouting under pools for soil and Pool stabilization is not practical because of all of the risk of damaging pipes below the pool. Many.
