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Arizona's Premier Foundation Repair Contractor

Sudden and Catastrophic Collapse of Surfside Condominiums

How does it relate to our homes?

What IS a Stem Wall, Anyway?

Summer is Here & It’s a Hot One!

Arizona Desert Heat Can be Deadly

To be fair, all Summers in the desert portions of the Grand Canyon State are 'Hot Ones'. 

However, we got an early dose of summer this year and you can bet this will.

Crack Repair: Another Quiet Revolution

15 years ago came across a product that I thought was a game changer. A polyuria that repaired cracks in concrete very fast. It was marketed by a company called “Road Mender”. I used it and actively.

Mitigated:  Sulfate Chloride Attack on a Stem Wall

Stem walls commonly have deterioration that looks like this photo. Over time, it will continue deteriorating (pitting, chipping & flaking). This is a result of mineral deposits left on the surface as.

Impartial, Objective & Evidence-Based Foundation Inspection

At the first sign of a foundation problem (click HERE to see what the symptoms of a foundation problem look like), Homeowners should demand an impartial, objective, evidence-based foundation.

Stem Wall Repair Failure

Composite Stem Wall Repair System

Stem Wall Repair Innovation

In a recent blog post (click HERE to read), I pointed out the problems with common existing concrete stem wall performance as well at the problems with trying to fix them.

Repairing a Previous Stem Wall Repair

Repairing a previous Stem Wall Repair is More Common than Homeowners may Realize.

A couple of weeks ago, we were called by the largest structural engineering firm in Phoenix to help a homeowner who.

The Dirty Little Secret of the Foundation Repair Industry

When a Homeowner calls out a foundation repair company to “get a free estimate”, it is a little known fact that many times the foundation repair contractor misdiagnoses the problem and the resulting.

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