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Arizona's Premier Foundation Repair Contractor

Cognitive Biases in Foundation Repair: The McNamara Fallacy

Robert McNamara was the principle architect of the Viet Nam War effort for the United States, and was principally responsible for the wrong decisions made during the course of that conflict. They.

Cognitive Biases in Foundation Repair: The Dunning Kruger Effect

Cognitive biases that can interfere with foundation assessments includes the Dunning Kruger Effect.

In previous blogs I noted that Humans for survival reasons have developed heuristic mental.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect

Cognitive biases that interfere with Foundation Inspections: The Dunning-Kruger Effect

In previous blogs I noted that for survival reasons, humans have developed heuristic mental shortcuts that often.

Cognitive Biases in Foundation Repair: Confirmation Bias

Cognitive Biases that Interfere with Foundation Inspection Analysis: Confirmation Bias

In previous blogs, we’ve discussed how humans have developed heuristic mental shortcuts that often lead to.
