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Arizona's Premier Foundation Repair Contractor

Concrete Stem Wall Repair Warranties… is a few years good enough?

There are many approaches to stem wall repairs in Arizona. Many handymen simply patch it up with a lifespan of a month or two before failure. Others, realizing the problem, take the old rusting rebar.

Foundation Repair Diagnoses Case Study in Prescott Area

Piering your Home’s Crawlspace Foundation May not be Enough to Keep it Safe

Tracing Load Paths Down the Supports in a Crawlspace

Another Learning Experience

Individual Rights vs Community Responsibilities in Foundation Repair

As a society and a community we seem to struggle with how to balance protection of individual rights with community responsibilities. When we look back at the history of our country we see many.

Part 3: Where I am Now

Sales and engineering competencies are different.

Different abilities and skill sets.

They need to be separated.

It’s amazing how different the past looks going forward in time when looking back at.

Waterproofing a Stem Wall

If your stem wall repair contractor tries to tell you the preferred method of repairing rusted rebar stem wall includes sealing the stem wall, don’t believe it.

Recently, we performed a cosmetic stem.

Cognitive Biases in Foundation Repair: The McNamara Fallacy

Robert McNamara was the principle architect of the Viet Nam War effort for the United States, and was principally responsible for the wrong decisions made during the course of that conflict. They.

Cognitive Biases in Foundation Repair: The Dunning Kruger Effect

Cognitive biases that can interfere with foundation assessments includes the Dunning Kruger Effect.

In previous blogs I noted that Humans for survival reasons have developed heuristic mental.

Remediation of Hotel pt. I

The Remediation of Hotel built on Top of a Landfill - Part I

We have another project (similar to the last tilt up Phoenix warehouse project) that is challenging our technical experts to utilize every.

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