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Arizona's Premier Foundation Repair Contractor

Foundation Repair: The Pros and Cons of Design / Build

Recently, I had lunch with a prominent structural engineer in the Phoenix area. Our discussion was wide ranging, covering many topics. One topic of interest that we discussed was the pros and cons of.

Foundation Repair: Drilling for Minimum Depth

Repair for foundation settlement usually calls for installing piles that penetrate past softer soils, down to hard soil or rock that will stabilize and support the structure in the future. These.

Cosmetic vs. Structural Cracks

Recently, I had a spirited conversation with a local structural engineer, who is active in homebuilding design work. His assertion was that if a crack or sign of stress in a home or structure is not.

Is Permitting for Foundation Repairs Required?

In short, YES.

Do We Lead Or Do We Follow...?

Someone asked me recently does it bother me that our competition copies everything we do?

My answer was that I know we are doing things right when our competitors are following us. They copy our.

Interview with Cliff Paul co-Founder of PK Associates

Vertical Cracks in Stem Walls

... what do they mean?

Are Previous Foundation Repairs Performing?

We are often asked to inspect a home where previous foundation repairs were performed, sometimes years in the past. This is challenging in a number of ways.

First, what foundation repairs were.

The Differences Between the Industry and our Unique Approach

Two Veterans of Foundation Repair Industry Describe the Differences Between the Industry and our Unique Approach

Recently, existing members of our amazing Sales Team were joined by two experienced.

How Objective, Impartial, and Evidence Based is an In-house Engineer in Diagnosing Foundation Repair?

Many years ago, I recognized the foundation repair industry has pretty much run amok. We have sales people with no engineering experience or background observing, analyzing, making recommendations,.

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