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Arizona's Premier Foundation Repair Contractor

The Secret Sauce of AZFS Engineering Success…The Fourth Why…. Cancelation Avoidance

Many contractors (if they are successful) have waiting time from when the customer first schedules an appointment until the salesman shows up at the house. If this is a particularly long time, some.

How an Initially Non-Engineered Repair Plan Can Backfire

How an Initially Non-Engineered Repair Plan Can Backfire

Free vs Paid For Foundation Repair Assessments

I read the other day on a competitor’s website how they try to extol free home inspections as a virtue rather than admitting they do not have the skill or the will to engage in a thorough analysis..

The Secret Sauce of Arizona Foundations Solutions Engineering Success…. The Third Why… Accuracy

The third why of why it makes more sense to separate sales and engineering is accuracy. With an investigation done on the spot in one visit and no back-end analysis, it is very difficult to be.

The Secret Sauce of AZFS Engineering Success. The Second Why…. Credibility

Customers may not vocalize it, but somewhere in the back of their minds, they perceive the conflict of interest of having the same guy who diagnoses problems and recommends solutions being the same.

The Secret Sauce of AZFS Engineering Success: The First Why

The first why for separating sales and engineering is the American concept of specialization.

The Secret Sauce of AZFS Engineering Success

More Examples of Non-Engineered Plans

Verbal vs written claims

Often, I hear homeowners confused about what a foundation repair salesman tells them vs. what is written in a report and sealed by a licensed design professional. Especially if they contradict each.

Your Personal Mission And Your Work World

What do you stand for?

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